Nurturing Your Orchids in the Fall: Tips from Cal Pacific Orchid Farm


As the fall season ushers in cooler temperatures and shorter days, orchid enthusiasts know it’s time to adjust their care routines for these delicate and exotic plants. At Cal Pacific Orchid Farm, we’re passionate about helping you care for your orchids and enjoy their beauty year-round. In this blog, we’ll provide you with essential tips and insights to ensure your orchids thrive during the fall months.

1. Light and Temperature

Orchids are light-sensitive plants, and adjusting their light exposure during fall is crucial. With the days becoming shorter, consider placing your orchids near an east-facing window where they can receive the gentle morning sunlight without being exposed to harsh afternoon rays. If the days are still warm, avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

Maintain a consistent temperature for your orchids, ideally between 60-75°F (15-24°C) during the day and slightly cooler at night. Avoid drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations, as these can stress your orchids.

2. Watering

Fall typically brings cooler, drier air, which can impact the moisture needs of your orchids. Reduce the frequency of watering, allowing the potting mix to dry out slightly between waterings. Ensure that the pots have proper drainage to prevent waterlogged roots, which can lead to root rot.

To gauge when to water, gently insert a finger into the potting mix. If it feels dry about an inch below the surface, it’s time to water. Be sure to use tepid water and thoroughly soak the pot, allowing excess water to drain away.

3. Humidity

Indoor air tends to be drier during the fall and winter months, which can be challenging for orchids that thrive in humid conditions. To maintain the required humidity level, consider placing a humidity tray filled with water and small pebbles near your orchids. Regularly misting the air around your orchids or using a humidifier can also help create a suitable environment.

4. Fertilizing

As orchids transition into their dormant phase during the fall, it’s a good practice to reduce or halt fertilizer applications. This rest period allows the plants to prepare for the following growing season. Once the days start to lengthen in the spring, resume your regular feeding routine with a balanced orchid fertilizer.

5. Pests and Disease

Keep a close eye on your orchids for signs of pests and disease. With the changing environmental conditions, orchids can become more susceptible to issues like mealybugs, aphids, or fungal infections. Regularly inspect your plants, and if you notice any problems, address them promptly with appropriate treatments or preventive measures.


Caring for orchids in the fall may require some adjustments to ensure they continue to thrive. By following these tips from Cal Pacific Orchid Farm, you’ll be better equipped to create a conducive environment for your orchids, allowing them to flourish throughout the changing seasons. Enjoy the beauty and elegance of your orchids as you successfully navigate the autumn months with confidence.

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